Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Labor time!? Already!!!???

Its June 4th 2013 and i woke up feeling very good no contractions or anything just still the same thing that was going on yesterday (6/3/13) We had a busy day ahead of us so i we get ready for the day and head off to pick up the money my cousin sent us than we had to go to my doctors appointment about that time 1ish to about 2 pm i started getting a few small contractions, once we got to the doctor she walks in and says "well i guess you wont be going to any hospitals anytime soon" lol until she checked me and was suprised that i was almost 3 cm dilated and from the looks of it that Chris would be here tommarow or sometime this week i was very excited to hear that but at the same time we wernt ready yet. Since jeremy has taken about a week n half off we didnt have a paycheck coming so i was freaking out just a bit. After we left the doctors office we had to do one more thing before we went home, and that was to pick up a food order. On the way there i started having contractions while i was driving but they wernt close together, even when we did our food order i had to stop and take a few breaths until the contractions stoped. So once we were finished we went straight home so that we can put away everything and get things ready since it looked like he would be coming tonight! 

I didnt eat yet and once we got home i cut myself a few slices of chedder cheese since if i was truly in labor i wouldnt be eating until after i have him..... But like i said even tho i felt great that day i just wasent hungry for the whole day.

The contractions were starting to get close together and getting intense my husband decided to call the hospital and see if we should go in because i was hesitating on going because when i was pregnant with Dalilah i was in labor for three days at home and they would not let me check myself in until the 3rd day. So i didnt want to drive all the way down their with little gas in the tank and be told we cant admit you. So my husband said we need to get you to the hospital because your contractions are 2-3 minutes apart. My husband ended up calling a friend that lives literally on the corner so that he can drive our truck with us in it to the hospital since my husband barley got his permit and was not ready to jump on the highway yet. So our friend came and off we went to the hospital!

As soon as we arrived they dropped me off at the front and went to park the truck one of the nurses seen me in pain and asked if i needed a wheelchair and we said yea, it took them a bit before they came down with the wheelchair lol so i was finally at the labor and delivery part of the hospital and entered my room. put on my gown and layed on the bed while they monitored my contractions and called my doctor. I had to wait a whole hour before they could admit me, they wanted to make sure my contractions wernt going to jump around and that they would be stable to admit me. (During the time they were admitting me my water had broke and it still kept coming out when i was given the EPI and i could feel that warmness running down my leg lol) Im going to be honest that whole hour of waiting was hell for me these contractions were very intense compared to what they felt like with Dalilah. 
Literally very painful compared to the first, and thats what everyone told me the more children you have the more intense the pain is... I dont know if thats true or not but my gosh!

So after the hour went by they finally came in and told me that they would be admitting me and that Christopher will be born soon! :)

I asked them for an EPI since i could not bare the pain anymore  so they went and let the person know so that they can get the stuff ready to use on me. Of course since i was in pair it felt like they took even longer to come to my room and give me the EPI lol. 

Once they came and gave me the EPI i felt so much better! I was able to relax and watch tv but at the same time i was starting to feel sick, i ended up throwing up two times and my jaws kept clinching so they came in and gave me zofran to help with the sick feeling and it helped a bit. 

I was really hoping to get my two full bags of antibiotics before Chris was born since i tested positive for Strep b. I had it with my first so i knew what to expect but as far as after labor i didnt know what to expect i was very scared because what had happen with Dalilah and what i had went through with her.

Just when i was drifting off to nap the nurse comes in and checks on me she was like your already 10 cm! I was like dont you have to be a 11? (lol i was half awake and asleep when i had said that) she was like nope its 10cm im going to call the doctor and let her know. But before i do lets have you push a bit and once i did she was like yup i need the doctor to come right now!

I couldnt belive the time had came to start pushing and soon i will be holding my son! And i was totally happy that jeremy was able to be here to share this special moment since he wasent able to be their for Dalilah's birth.

The doctor had came and it was time to start pushing! Took me less than 10 minutes to push him out.....
and in a blink of an eye Christopher Alan Daggett was born!

I cant put into words how i felt let alone how jeremy felt seeing his son be born. The look on his face was priceless he had this smile on his face and went over and took pictures of Chris while he was getting cleaned up it was deffiently an experiance. 

And the best thing was i did not feel a thing while pushing him out! NOTHING! i wish i would have felt nothing while pushing Dalilah out but yea.... thats another story to tell sometime lol
This labor was the best experiance i have had compared to with my first.

The nurses were so nice, encouraging and helpful and treated us like king and queen :)

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